Relieve My Pain - Kates Method

Because You Deserve Options


Discover the revolutionary Kates Method by Jeff Kates a Medical Massage Therapist: A method developed to restore circulation in tight areas, meticulously designed to rejuvenate your energy and vanquish pain. Commit to 5 minutes a day for great results


Dive into the Kates Method and master its transformative techniques quickly and easily! Empower yourself with this breakthrough method that you can seamlessly apply at home, which may eliminate the need for frequent Doctor, Chiropractic or Physical Therapy visits. Embrace a pain-free life on your own terms.


Unlock the secrets of the Kates Method with our exclusive video series! Expertly crafted, each session guides you step-by-step, enabling you to harness the power of this groundbreaking method from the comfort of your home. Invest in your well-being and that of your friends and family. Become your own healer today.

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In my private practice and working with injuries at the chiropractor's office, I have witnessed many wonderful recoveries when utilizing the Kates Method. My clients are always amazed with the simplicity of the techniques and are, for the most part, pain free!

Rehabilitation without pain brings on a whole new meaning and wow factor. Although therapists' styles vary from one to another, what I do is completely different and phenomenally effective.

There have been many times when I have witnessed Jeff alleviate pain by performing his 'magic' in a seemingly unrelated area of the body and I've always wondered, "How does he do that?"

I thought that it was a gift for the chosen few, but fortunately, he has orchestrated a course of study to pass this information on to others. Do yourself and your clients a big favor...take the course.

Scott Kapela


Heal At Your Own Pace

Understand how to heal your body through our revolutionary new method.

Drawing from his vast 40-year experience in medical massage therapy, Jeff Kates discovered a holistic truth: just as our body effortlessly heals its wounds, it can also find relief from pain. The Kates Method views pain as a symptom of lack of movement. When movement is restored to your tight areas using the wisdom of the Healer Within, CIRCULATION RETURNS, and you feel less pain. The Kates Method shows you an easy way to " loosen the body, and ease the pain ", for you, your family and friends, and the people you know. 

Apply It Today



Because You Deserve It

Start the road to recovery today

We're not against surgery, medications, physical therapy or chiropractic. We just believe it should come after trying other options. The Kates Method offers a simple alternative. All you need is to compare one motion with the same motion on the other side. If you can feel the difference, the Healer Within will guide you to pain relief. 

Relieve My Pain

What our clients have to say:

“When I had back problems, Jeff applied the Kates Method and helped me to straighten up and move around better. I wish I had known him during my NBA years. He could help players get back on the court faster, because his method does work.”

Elmore Smith- Retired NBA Star

“I'm so happy I found the Kates Method. I feel so much better every time I experience it. I'm always so much more relaxed afterward.”

Rachel L.

“All I know is that it didn't hurt when he applied his method and when I got up off the table, I didn't have the pain and I could walk!.” 

Jessica S - Nurse

“I use the Kates Method regularly on clients, family and friends to relieve all types of pain and discomfort. It is very easy to learn and practice, and it brings amazing results. As a massage and advanced bodywork practitioner, I recommend this healing technique to anyone who wants to help others.” 

Ellen - EMP, ABP, Reiki Master

WHAT YOU GET Inside The Program:

The First Step To At Home Pain Relief

  • Video Lessons On The Kates Method
  • At Home Pain Relief
  • Non Invasive Method
  • All For a Low One Time Fee
  • 60 Day Money Back Guarantee

Relieve My Pain


  • Is The Kates Method Massage Therapy?

    The Kates Method is not massage therapy and does not require a massage therapist to implement. The Kates Method focuses on improving circulation by restoring movement, which will release painful areas.  Movement is medicine.

  • Are There Any Potential Side Effects?

    You may feel some soreness after using the Kates Method the firse few times. This reaction is a natural release of toxins from the tight painful areas. The first is ALWAYS the worst. Eash time you use the Kates Method, the soreness will become less and less. You can minimize these effects by drinking lots of water and taking an Epsom salt bath. You'll feel a lot better the next day.

  • How Many Treatments Will It Take To Work?

    You should begin to restore motion and ease the pain with your very first treatment.  HOWEVER THE KATES METHOD IS NOT A ONE TIME CURE.  Your body, like your car, requires ongoing maintenance to keep it working properly.  

    By choosing to make the Kates Method a part of your body's maintenance plan on an ongoing basis, you greatly increase your chances of living and moving pain free as you age.

  • Is The Kates Method Safe?

    For the fast majority of people, the answer is YES.  However, ALWAYS consult your doctor, or health care practicioner before beginning this or any other healthcare regimen.

  • What About A Guarantee?

    For any reason if you want a refund, you have a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee, no questions asked.

How "The Healer Within"

Was Discovered

Start the road to recovery today

One day a lady was on my table and I have not warmed up first, so I decided to start her treatment with some simple stretching of her shoulders.

Sitting at her head, I pushed on the left shoulder towards her feet and nothing; no movement at all, completely stuck.

I then pushed on the right shoulder and it when down very easily so I took it down as far as it would go and just held it there for about 30 seconds. I then released that shoulder and straightened her up again.

I pushed down hard on the left shoulder, expecting the same resistance I had met before. To my great surprise, the shoulder released easily, went further down than the right and did it so quickly I almost fell on my client.

I was shocked to say the least and did not understand what had just happened. Why did the left shoulder, previous completely immovable, suddenly stretched down effortlessly? I had no clue!

Deciding to do the same thing again in a different area of her body, I pushed up one arm and then the other and compared how each one moved. One side moved much easier, so again I stretched that side first. When I got back to the other side, the arm released effortlessly just like before. I was freaking out now, I tried her hips and it worked again, I tried her ribs and it worked again.

I finally understood that things worked best when the body was not beaten into submission, like using deep tissue techniques, but simply allowed to be taken the way it wants to go! The concept of the Healer Within was born.

Relieve My Pain

Pain Relief That Works.

Relieve My Pain

Pain Relief That Works.

Relieve My Pain
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